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Office of Public Relations and Communications

About Us

The Virgin Islands Department of Education’s Office of Public Relations and Communications exists to heighten the public’s awareness of the Department’s mission to ensure that all students are prepared for college or the career of their choice upon graduation from high school.

In support of the mission, the Public Relations Office provides publicity for events, activities and the many successes of the Department’s schools, students, teachers, employees and leadership through internal and external communication.

The Office of Public Relations and Communication, through an integrated marketing communications approach services the marketing, branding, public, and media relations, advertising and graphic design needs of the Department, districts, and schools.

The Public Relations Office reports directly to the Commissioner of Education.


Urgent Alert: Immediate Dismissal of St. Croix Educational Complex and St. Croix Central High School Due to Power Outage

The Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE) announces the immediate dismissal of all students at the St. Croix Educational Complex and St. Croix Central High School on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, due to a power outage affecting the surrounding area. This electrical interruption has significantly impacted school operations and the ability to continue instructional activities.

Crews from the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA) are currently working diligently to restore power. However, at this time, the restoration timeline remains uncertain, necessitating the early dismissal of both campuses for the safety and well-being of all students and staff.

Transportation services will be provided for students who utilize school buses, ensuring they are transported home safely and promptly. Parents and guardians who pick up their children are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation as WAPA works to resolve the situation. For further updates, please stay tuned to VIDE’s official communication channels.



Download press release here:  pdf PRESS RELEASE 0809 24 URGENT ALERT Immediate Dismissal of Complex and Central (140 KB)


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El Departamento de Educación de las Islas Vírgenes Anuncia la Reapertura de Todas las Escuelas Públicas el Lunes, 19 de Agosto de 2024

El Departamento de Educación de las Islas Vírgenes extiende su más sincero agradecimiento a los padres, tutores, docentes, personal y estudiantes por su paciencia y comprensión durante los últimos días, mientras el personal trabajaba incansablemente para garantizar que las escuelas públicas estén seguros y listas para reabrir. Reconocemos los desafíos que han surgido durante este período y apreciamos sinceramente la cooperación y la resiliencia demostrada por todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad.

Gracias a los esfuerzos colectivos del personal interno del departamento de educación y de agencias asociadas externas, nos complace anunciar que todas las escuelas públicas en todo el territorio estarán preparadas para reanudar sus operaciones el lunes, 19 de agosto de 2024. El proceso de limpieza y remoción de escombros no ha sido una tarea fácil, pero el departamento ha permanecido firme en la ejecución de tareas prioritarias en todos los sitios escolares.

También estamos agradecidos por el apoyo continuo de las agencias gubernamentales clave y de la Autoridad de Energía y Agua de las Islas Vírgenes. En comunicaciones recientes con funcionarios del Departamento de Educación, la Autoridad de Energía y Agua de las Islas Vírgenes ha asegurado al departamento que continuarán trabajando diligentemente para restaurar el suministro eléctrico en todos los sitios escolares del distrito y están completamente comprometidos a garantizar que las escuelas puedan reabrir el lunes.

Mientras nos preparamos para dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de regreso al aula, pedimos que todo el personal docente se presente en sus sitios escolares designados el lunes, 19 de agosto de 2024, en sus horarios normales de llegada. También se requiere que los estudiantes lleguen a sus escuelas para la reanudación de la instrucción escolar normal.

Aunque este período ha sido desafiante, el Departamento de Educación de las Islas Vírgenes se mantiene positivo y comprometido con priorizar la educación y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes. Continuamos con nuestra misión de transformar a los aprendices de hoy en los líderes de mañana. Esperamos con entusiasmo un exitoso inicio de la nueva semana escolar.

Estén atentos a los medios locales y a las plataformas oficiales del Departamento de Educación para conocer nuevos desarrollos, actualizaciones o información adicional.



Descargar comunicado de prensa aquí:  pdf PRESS RELEASE 0808 24 (Spanish) 8 16 24 (2) (66 KB)

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Virgin Islands Department of Education Announces Reopening of All Public Schools on Monday, August 19, 2024

The Virgin Islands Department of Education (VIDE) extends its heartfelt gratitude to parents, guardians, faculty, staff, and students for their patience and understanding over the past few days as personnel worked tirelessly to ensure that public school campuses are safe and ready to reopen. We recognize the challenges that have arisen during this period, and we sincerely appreciate the cooperation and resilience demonstrated by all members of our community.

Through the collective efforts of VIDE internal personnel and external partner agencies, we are pleased to announce that all public schools territory-wide will be prepared to resume operations on Monday, August 19, 2024. The process of cleaning up and removing debris has not been an easy task, but the VIDE has remained steadfast in executing priority tasks across all school sites.

We are also grateful for the ongoing support of key government agencies and the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA). In recent communications with VIDE officials, WAPA has assured the VIDE that they will continue working diligently to restore power to all school sites district-wide and are fully committed to ensuring that schools can reopen on Monday.

As we prepare to welcome our students back to the classroom, we ask that all faculty report to their designated school sites on Monday, August 19, 2024, at their normal arrival times. Students are also required to arrive at their school campuses for the resumption of normal school instruction.

While this period has been challenging, the Virgin Islands Department of Education remains positive and committed to prioritizing the education and well-being of our students. We continue in our mission of transforming today’s learners into tomorrow’s leaders. We look forward to a successful start to the new school week.

Please stay tuned to local media and official VIDE platforms for any new developments, updates, or additional information.


Download press release here:  pdf PRESS RELEASE 0808 24 (English) Virgin Islands Department of Education Announces School Reopening on Monday, August 19, 2024 (2) (142 KB)

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St. Thomas

1834 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Phone: 340-774-0100

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM


St. Croix

2133 Hospital Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820
Phone: 340-773-1095

Curriculum Center:
Mon – Fri:  8AM – 5PM

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